How to apply for funding - Palliative Care
How to apply for funding
Palliative Care Organisations
One of the John Pearce Foundation's areas of focus is the support of organisations which provide palliative and end-of-life care services to individuals, whether they are elderly or have a life-limiting illness, within Hong Kong or a 15-mile radius of UK horse racing centres including, but not limited to:
- Newmarket (Suffolk);
- Lambourn (Berkshire); or
- Malton (North Yorkshire).
There is no set size for grants. If you are considering submitting an application, please take a few minutes to read the guidance below to ensure your project falls within the scope of our grant-giving.
What we will consider
- Applications from both registered charities and from entities which are not registered charities;
- Applications for project, research or core costs (including overheads);
- Applications for capital projects;
- Applications for one-off or single year grants;
- Applications for multi-year grants;
- Applications for projects which are a continuation of previous or established work;
- Applications which are innovative or have an element of risk where the demonstrable need is great and it can be shown that the work has the potential to achieve a substantial impact.
What we will not consider
- Applications which solely benefit individuals;
- Applications that focus solely on advocacy;
- Applications for retrospective funding; and
- Applications for religious or overtly political activities and the promotion thereof.
Applications are currently open
We are accepting applications for the current funding round until Wednesday June 11th, 2025.